Key Public Health Resources & Documents

Visit the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) website for information about COVID-19 and for the situation update for COVID-19 in Minnesota. Materials and Resources on COVID-19 page has resources translated in multiple languages and ASL for providers serving non-English speaking individuals and families.

CDC and MDH still recommend all staff/volunteers and clients/residents wear a mask inside a homeless shelter, regardless of vaccine status. Evidence shows masking prevents the spread of COVID-19. Homeless service providers are encouraged to establish masking requirements within their settings.

Guidance Documents for Shelters, Drop-in, and Outreach Providers

MDH COVID-19 Investigation Toolkit for Homeless and Other Congregate Settings

MDH Therapeutic Options and Screening Tool for COVID-19 Patients

MDH Shelter in Place Guidance During COVID-19 Surges in Homeless Shelters

MDH Strategies to Mitigate Resource Constraints During COVID-19 Surges in Shelter and Correctional Settings

CDC Guidance for Testing in Homeless Shelters & Encampments

CDC Interim Guidance on People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness

MDH Indoor Air Considerations: COVID-19

CDC: Cleaning Your Facility

CDC: About Variants

CDC: Vaccinations for COVID-19

MDH: About COVID-19

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that you cannot find the answer to, please email the MDH response team at:

Where do I find contact information for my local public health and/or local emergency manger?

How does our setting order available over-the-counter iHealth rapid antigen tests?

How do I notify MDH of a COVID-19 case or ask questions specific to our setting?

What are current COVID-19 testing resources for congregate settings?

What are the current testing recommendations?

What are the COVID-19 test reporting requirements for facilities?

Is there an example of provider-developed health education materials we can provide to clients and staff after they receive COVID tests?

Can you get the flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time?

Are boosters or additional doses of the vaccine available?

I lost my vaccine card, how can I get this information?

What should we know about new and emerging variants?

Are there any mental health resources for staff and clients/residents?

How do I find out about local resources for COVID-19 response?